I wasn't in good enough shape to do Insanity. Not at 199.6 lbs.
I vowed once I hit 185 I would start it...
It is a 63 day, 6 day per week, 45-60 min per day "total body conditioning program" of about 13 DVDs utilizing "Max Interval Training."
The propaganda from the site:
The secret to these mind-blowing results: MAX Interval Training. Shaun T took traditional interval training and flipped it on its head—you perform long bursts of maximum-intensity exercises with short periods of rest. Each workout keeps you constantly challenged as you alternate between aerobic and anaerobic intervals performed at your MAX. The result: burn up to 1,000 calories in an hour and get the most insane body in 60 days.
I could do this. There's no dance moves (thankfully) and no equipment. Just using your own body.
I bought it.
63 Days later, I was done. I had not missed a single workout. Not one, even when traveling across the country for 1 month on and off.
I stuck religiously to a lean smart diet of 5 small meals a day and plenty of protein.
I chronicled every day on a blog what it was like and to keep me accountable. I always wondered if these infomercial were BS or could these programs really work.
I had my answer.
170 lbs. Fitter than I has been in my entire life.
It was more than that though. It was transformative in my mind.
Insanity didn't get me fit. I did. There's no miracle. I ate healthy and smart and worked out hard 6 days a week. That's the simple equation of any successful program that will work in a healthy manner.
Some of the things I learned and was taught to me through the 63 day process:
1- When I don't feel like working out, I accept that feeling but it absolutely NEVER affects whether I will work out or not. This is a very freeing experience: allowing yourself to feel tired, unmotivated, or just plain lazy, but those feelings NEVER having any power.
2- Exercise needs to be something INTERNAL, and cannot depend on something external. If you create gaps between the time you work out and other activities, those gaps will wedge your exercise out. It will rain, you will be "too busy", you forgot your gym bag.
Work out at home at the same time every day when possible. When impossible, make the adjustment, but not the compromise. With Insanity, there was me, my yoga mat, and the TV in the basement. That's it.
3- We all have an image of ourselves. We also have a historical image (at your best and at your worst). None of these are real. You characterize yourself based on the limitations of yourself that you believe in. For me, this was having a thin athletic build (at my best). So if that was my goal, then I'm missing out. I learned from this program that I can absolutely NOT accept that image and re-shape myself any way I choose. This is huge. You are not "big-boned". You are not "skinny". You will NOT always have puny arms, or big legs, or any of it. These are your mental compromises and justifications for where you are.
You must be 100% honest with yourself about why you are where you are. The vision will not work if you give yourself excuses.
Mine were simple: cigarettes, cheese, bread, beer, carbs... laziness and indulgence.
Since then I've moved onto a new physically and mentally tougher program (Asylum). I have 1 week left on that and perhaps I'll guest blog again to discuss what that program taught me.
Until then,
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